Friday, September 3, 2010

MATH?! And I Feel Freezing

As I write this, my fingers are protesting and slow, and I feel that fall is not far away. :) Lovely weather we're having in KS...

As for math...well, this poem should sum up my day. XD No, I'm not turning poet--I'm a writer first and formost when it comes to words. But I am managing to get better at random poems--spur-of-the-moment stuff especially. :)

How I Lost My Sanity

Math, math, hurts my head,
It invades my dreams,
It disturbs my bed,
My insanity, it seems,
Is bursting at the seams!

Algebra, though, is even better,
It bashes my mind,
Making swim the letter,
And now I'm in a bind;
It invades my mind, I find.

Out goes memory fine!
Out flies my sanity thin!
I don't want ye to think I whine,
But like a shark reveals its fin,
I find my mind is caving in!

Out flies my mind, beaten,
Blowing up in glorious flash
Math, it seems, has finally eaten,
Math, is seems, has finally smashed,
My mind, which has finally crashed.

It's nice, however, to finally see,
The sky above my eyes,
My mind is finally free,
Free from Math's evil spies,
Free from Algebra's cries.

The only thing missing (besides my vanity)
That one thing that now useless seems,
My finally broken sanity;
Wild and adventurous roving dreams,
Have finally broken Sanity's seams.



RED~Scribe said...

I can SO relate to what you're feeling. I hate algebra too. That's why me and my sister didn't do it last year, nor are we doing it this year. Instead, we're working through a "consumer's math" book. Much, much better and much, much more relevant.

RED~Scribe said...

Oh, and I keep forgetting to mention this: You obviously like winter (or at least cooler weather). Do you do any winter sports? Or are you just a cold-weather person?

Nolan said...


Jake said...


I don't really do any winter sports...besides snowball fights inside towering snow fortresses. :) I'm world-renowned for THAT. XD

RED~Scribe said...

I'm not really into winter sports either, but my other siblings absolutely LOVE snowboarding. It's ridiculous; they even try their boots and boards out during the summer. However, I don't mind a good old-fashioned snowball fight once in a while (as in, once a winter).

Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...



Star-Dreamer said...

LOL! I can sooooo relate! I hate math with a passion. In the words of Ruby on "According to Jim", "I wish math would die!"
