Monday, May 9, 2011

Randomness! 'Tis Thee Again!

*listens to 'They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard'*

*looks up* Oh, hello!  How are you?  How's the family?

Once again, I've been left with the revelation that I have absolutely nothing useful to blog about.  I had plugged the headphones in my ears earlier and blasted TATTHTI in my ears (such a catchy tune!) and I saw someone I recognized.

"Randomness!" I almost shouted.  "'Tis Thee again!"

Yes, my old friend Randomness had stopped by.  It had been a long time since I've seen his true, blazing self.  I find he pops up a lot, but he's usually a bit shady.

But this time, he had that old gleam in his eye.

"Remember the Randomness Post to king all randomness posts?" he said with a grin.

"Like yesterday," I replied, and linked his post.

He listened to TATTHTI with me for a moment.  "Quite a random song," he said to me.  "Quite a worthy song! And the tune, the tune!  I could listen to that all day."  That's quite a compliment from Randomness himself.

SO, tell me, where is Gandalf? for I much desire to speak to him.

And where ARE they taking the hobbits?

Now, readers, what is your favorite memory of Randomness?  Does it have to do with Ninjas? Pie?  Turkeys?  Hobbits?!

Also, I have *ahem* composed another random poem.  Another Flow'st.

And as you read these words...remember.

This is for Random.


The Flow'st

Flow'st, 'tis me name, oddly grame
Snayed in the oddly blacked frame
I say, me lad, I say, that flame
Doesn't it look a bit a-kame?

I, Random, am the one you seek
The one kibbergah, nice and sleek
I slew the one thousandth gleek
Who yodeled 'cross the pleak.

I am the thousandth night (or Knight?)
Either way, I'm a nightmare fright
I gobbled down the snordy kite
And whittled on the flitting wight.

Harhar, 'tis me, the Flow'st, beware!
I could be here, there, blappabare
And die like a star-crossed applepear
The Flow'st, so Random, so bloppy fair.

Luckily, I ain't yet dead,
I'm still a-standing, my enemies fled!
Harhar, 'tis me, the Flow'st, a phed!
I'm still a-standing, my enemies dead!

Enemies, you say? Why, the bliperbop,
The sniggergnat, the flipping flop!
The incorrigible, flaky, flatfacefop
And the rabbits, those flickypop!

Aye, the rabbits, but they are yet alive
Buzzing about, in their little hive
Ah! Here they come!  Now they arrive!
Flee, little plop, flee to survive!

I shall stand here yet, the Flow'st, beware!
I shall stand fast, with really cool hair,
Waving on the wind, halla, hafaire!
Beware, O Rabbits bad, beware!


^^He has really cool hair.

When this post is published, the fate of the poor Flow'st may be up to speculation.  But, at any rate, all will agree: something must be done.  The rabbits are multiplying.  Tensions are high.

What shall be done?  Who will stand against them and defend the Flow'st?

Who will do it?

NOTE: This post was written under the influence of the heady TATTHTI song.  Writing under such influence may cause random splots and random poems, as well as bad grammar and senselessness.  You have been warned.



RED~Scribe said...

Nice of the warning to be at the END of the post. Now my brain is frazzled.

Maybe the Flow'st can play a part on the... uh... <_< >_> thing.


Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...

Yay! The randomness is back! :D I looove those pictures :P Esp the one of Gandalf lol...and excellent poem! Superb! Superb!

By the way, what exactly does TATTHTI stand for?


RED~Scribe said...

They Are Taking The Hobbits To Isengard. At least, that's what I thought.

Jake said...

Aye, They Are Taking The Hobbits To Isengard.

*goes to listen to it again*

T.D. said...

Wait- so they're taking the hobbits where....?

That was a rockin' post. Very good, Sir Jake.

Favorite memory of Randomness? Hm. Possibly FUN sized candy bars, but I'm not sure....

Pathfinder said...

Favorite memory of Randomness: my dreams

cool poem! How do you come up with them?

Rabbits aren't *that* evil. Then again, mine *did* try to eat me that one time...

Seth Skogerboe said...

Huh! I was unaware that I had a twin. Really, though, you are Lewis Carrol reincarnate. Keep up the good work. :-D