Friday, February 5, 2010

(More) Snow, and Novel News (what a NOVEL concept!)

It snowed yet again, and we got three or so inches. I made an AWESOME snowfort that is about four feet tall, and twice that long. I'm planning to enlarge it and make an entrance tomorrow. It's built on the remains of my old snowfort (Yes, from Christmastime). And I did all this in ONE day, so I am exhusted.
It's amazing what I could do with my sequel once I set my mind on it. For the past five days, I have been determined to write at least one chapter a day, and I succeeded. It's now 60 pages long (and I myself am saying "Whoa!"). I started editing my first novel at 70 pages, and this one's going to be longer by A LOT. It's better than my first novel in my opinion, but I'm pretty sure that the ending to the trilogy, the third book, will be the best yet, and it'll delve a little bit more into the culture of the first two books.
So, I'm excitied, and I think my novel (#1) will be ready for 'public consumption' soon, at least as far as I can do it.

Signing out,


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