Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hey all!  Loving the weather here. :)  It's crisp and cold still, but the sunlight is warm and Kansas is Kansas.  Speaking of my lovely state...I searched some Kansas photos to share with you all (since I have an absence of my own pictures, haha).

Below is a random picture of the "Welcome to the Flint Hills" sign.  I've driven past that. :)

Below is a picture of the Flint Hills.

Another picture of the Flint Hills.  This one looks like it did when I last passed through the Flint Hills.  Believe it or not, this picture is realistic and not a one-of-a-kind picture.

Green Kansas sometime in the spring or summer. :)

A wheat field! Mwahahaha!  This one is pretty golden. O_o

A normal-looking farm somewhere out in Western Kansas.

All these pictures were found on Google search.  *shrug*

I hope you enjoyed a peek into my homeland.



RED~Scribe said...

*dreamy stare* Ohhhhh, it looks like Alberta. I lived there for eleven years, and now live in the mountains. This is like a breath of fresh air to me. I love the prarries. Flat ground. Huge sky. It's enough to make me want to move back to Alberta.

Sheesh. Where did all that come from?

And my WV is sicklies. Am I sick or something?

Jake said...

:) Something about wide-open space attracts dramatic writers. Haha ;)

RED~Scribe said...


Isaacpermann said...

Man, that looks really attractive. I've been through Kansas one time

Pathfinder said...

I love Kansas. My sister thinks i'm crazy for it (well, that among other things).

The hills. The fields. The endless sky. The amazing clouds.
And because it's where I got my knee-high lace-up buckskin boots.

Thanks Jake!

Jake said...

A hearty AMEN Pathfinder. :D Move here sometime and ye can have a family of Elvish company. ;)

Yup. :)

Pathfinder said...

That would be amazing. I've always wanted a brother. :p

Rowan said...

Oh man. 0_o *yells 'I love Kansas' out her window* Now THAT'S a place were my imagination could flourish. Those fields of golden sunshine, and those equally golden hills! To visit(and possible live in) Kansas is on the top of my bucket list. ^_^