Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Ultimate LOTR Spoof Collection

Well, these LOTR spoofs seem to be running rampant around the blogosphere, so I figured I ought to post some of the more popular ones to share with you all.  Check it out: it's in no particular order.  Enjoy!

They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard!
One of the more popular ones.  And a catchy tune, eh?

Fellowship of the Vuvuzela
So funny that it has passed from "amusing" to "epic".  Same tune as the above video.

Lord of the Rings in Sixty Seconds
I just recently discovered this one, but it's one of my favorites.  Instant classic (which is a great oxymoron).

Gimli Destroys the Ring
Amusing.  It makes a very short movie, aye?

Lord of the Rings in 5 Seconds
Surprisingly accurate. ;)

Have you seen any not included in here? Share 'em! :)  This is the extent of my knowledge in LOTR spoofs, so I'd love to find some more.



RED~Scribe said...

Ohhhhh, man! Those are awesome!!! I'd seen the first three, but the bottom two are new. I agree, that last one was extremely accurate. And it would have been kinda nice if Gimli had managed to destroy the Ring right then and there. But then we wouldn't have such epic novels and movies. Nah, keep it the way it is.

T.D. said...

I hadn't seen the last two before. Shoot, that one with Gimli made me die it was so funny :P

Okay, I lied. LOTR in 5 seconds made me die officially. That was AWESOME.

Thanks dude ;)

RED~Scribe said...

Actually, there's a spoof that I forgot about. It's a song about the Po-ta-toes. I can't remember exactly what it's called.

Anonymous said...

Love the Gimli one—actually never saw that one before!

Here's probably one of the best... it doesn't allow embedding though:

Completely butchered one of the best scenes in LOTR—but I laughed.

Jake said...

Wow....that is....something.

Glad you guys (a general term) enjoyed them. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jake!

Gimli and 5 Seconds were hilarious!