Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tosse Rir

So hunkere ye downe and listen ye alle,
I shalle telle ye the tale, never ye feare;
But harke! I heare the spinetingling calle
of the one and only chillinge, Tosse Rir.


Well, if you've talked to me lately, then you might have noticed a phrase I keep using.  Tosse Rir.  No, it isn't an original word composed by yours truly, but I really like the sound of it.  Just try saying it: tosse rir.

So I'd bet your wondering what I mean.  Or perhaps you're rolling your eyes again. "Jake's lost his marbles....again...."

Well, here's the Sadaarin definition.

Tosse rir: 1. A snorting, coughing laugh--sputtering on air. (i.e. *tosse rir*, one who is coughing, sputtering on air, in humor.)  2. literal Meaning, 'cough laugh'.

So a wee explanation. ;)  Feel free to use it as ye's not like I copyright these things. :)

And second...TODAY IS MANNY'S BIRTHDAY!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANNY!  If ye want to check it out, her blog is found here. :)



T.D. said...

That made me laugh and smile and snort.... okay, I tosse rir-ed. *bwaha*

Oh, and Happy Birthday Manny!!!! :D :D :D

Eagles Wings said...

AH HA! So that is wwhat ye meant!

Nolan said...

Great name for a character ;-)