Wednesday, November 25, 2009

News and a Random Story

Today is kind of a lazy day. We slept in VERY late, and there is nothing planned for today. The result? A lazy day. If I had a camera, I'd put some pictures of what we're doing, but Mom is extremely touchy about her camera, and Alex would rather clean out a dozen toilets then let me get near hers. She's at Grandma's, though, helping out with the cooking for the upcoming Thanksgiving, so even that isn't an option. So here I am, rambling on about things no one wants to read about. So I am going to write a little story off the top of my head.

How a Person Got a Long Name
There was once a Person. This particular Person was of 14 years old at present. He (it is a He) wanted to be very good at being a rodent. He practiced day after day after day, all day. He did it so much that neglected saying hello to his friends, and neglected his hair. It grew so wildly that People started calling him Person Ermine Rodent. Person Ermine Rodent decided to stop practicing rodentry and paid all of his attention to combing his hair and saying hello. So the People started calling him Person Ermine Rodent Salutations. In order for the People to stop calling him names, Person Ermine Rodent Salutations tried to help People by lugging their stuff around. Then the People called him Person Ermine Rodent Salutations Ox. Then Person Ermine Rodent Salutations Ox grew very mad and told All People to call him by NO NAME. To make a joke, the People called him Person Ermine Rodent Salutations Ox Noname. Then the People grew tired of saying Person Ermine Rodent Salutations Ox Noname, so they just called him P.E.R.S.O.N.. And so our P.E.R.S.O.N.'s name went in a full circle.

Signing out,


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