Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blessed Rain, Cold Toes, and a Heap of Math

...which basically summarizes my day. But that is the whole purpose of a title, of course.

The rain is, well, raining down as I speak--it has been since this morning. Temperatures are dropping (hallelujah!), and my toes are cold. Not to mention my algebra-soaked brain has taken another pounding...but if you haven't realized this by now, let me tell you a secret; I am completely overreacting to my algebra. Two lessons a day is grueling, to be sure, but it's not too bad--I get done on time, usually, despite my self-enforced quota of math. :) So don't panic.

Oh--and my toes are cold.

But if you want something useful and meaningful to take home, well...I'll think of something...There! I have it. Uh, I have decided for the sixty-ninth time that Barbie is cheesy? Wait! Let me redeem the situation...I shall rack my mind...


Well, I have just finished BOTB and realized why Valzaan could have been resurrected so 'easily'. I had a sneaking suspicion after he was resurrected, but I feel that the author--L. B. Graham--made one mistake in revealing what Valzaan was; he told me. Almost to my face. He said, "Valzaan entered Avalione again" or "It was good to be back" or something like that, and I knew, then, who he was. It rather ruined the surprise for me--maybe it was my writers instincts doing it, but I anticipated the 'Vulsultyrim's betrayal' before it happened, too.

And one other thing--I was rather disappointed that Malek didn't have more to offer in terms of battle at the end of BOTB. He was defeated easily, after the battles at the beginning of All My Holy Mountain. I just felt that it was far too easy, and I expected 'sudden disaster' and 'sudden deliverance' at the end--perhaps Graham was through with the 'suddens' at the end of Father of Dragons and the beginning of All My Holy Mountain.

So, yes--I vented what I felt. Ultimately, I really liked this series, but those things above, as well as Valzaan's resurrection, kind of dampened its awesomeness.


Is that meaningful enough for you? :) Right now, I'm reading DIOM and OOF (no pun intended!) by Bryan Davis again.

Oh, and I haven't died yet today. Strange.


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